We would all like to have a flying "chopper" here, but our grass chopper will have to work for now. It's been a project for David and Juanito for the last month while we waited on parts, but today we chopped two truck loads of "sacate" grass for the first time. The plan is to use it to make silage and all round better use of the sacate we feed to the horses and cows. After cutting and carrying the 15 foot tall stalks off grass to the truck, I've learned its a good way to get good and itchy for the resto of the day.
In the afternoon Leslie, Katie, Malachi (our doctor from the States and good friend), and I drove to San Andres for our weekly prayer meeting. Our focus was from Isaiah 40 where God says to prepare the way for the Lord. This weekend is the big gathering of churches in San Andres, so we're really asking God to move. We want His agenda not man's. And I hope it's not just a party (although a party without the normal "cush" liquor is a good thing). Anyway, Joel came to pray again with us along with 5 other friends, so two churches were represented. It's always a little (actually a lot) harder to pray and lead worship in Spanish, but the Holy Spirit was faithful to guide us. Leslie just happened to pray for our hearts to be opened to what God wanted to do in the weekend's activity, and that set me up perfectly to sing "Open the Eyes of My Heart," a well-known worship song here. From there songs and prayers flowed a lot easier...
Yesterday in San Andres was pretty normal at clinic. About 80 people came through, but I didn't get any fresh pictures. My worst moment (that I'm aware of) was when I asked a pregnant lady if the guy with her was her dad. Ends up he was her husband, and of course he happened to be right there when I asked. It's hard to come back from that, so I put on my stethoscope and took her blood pressure....
Tonight I'm heading to bed early to be ready for Chiminisijuan clinic in the morning. Early to bed early to rise, right? Whether you're reading this morning or evening, I hope you too get a good nights sleep!
And just to post a few pictures.....
This is Abi, posing for a photo that's part of finalizing her adoption.
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