Sometimes it's hard to decide what to write on here. Of course there is always stuff happening both around me and in me, but what would be interesting to somebody else? This morning I had the opportunity to feel really out of shape. I got up early to visit a school that we're going to visit in August with the team. My guide drove his motorcycle pretty slow, but he walked fine. After visiting the school for about an hour I turned around to head back. My guide was a teacher there, so he stayed behind. Walking back up the hill by myself I had to stop more than once. I think the folks here would give the Kenyans a run for their money in a marathon. The school was really cool though, because it really was in the middle of nowhere on the outermost edge of our municipal. The director there was really excited to have us come.
Yesterday I had a really cool opportunity. Leslie woke me up early and asked me if I would mind going with Duane to the City in the airplane. To make a long story short, a lady here in town had received results from a CAT Scan indicating that she had a mass in the posterior lobe of her cerebrum (and of course your brain is a very bad place to have a mass/tumor). Originally she had gone to the hospital because of really bad headaches and dizziness, and her doctor now wanted her to have an MRI done in the City. She couldn't have made the trip on her own, but Duane and Leslie offered to pay for half. Well, the lady, Elvia, had called Leslie about 4 am with a really bad headache, and Leslie told her that Duane had a flight planned to the City that we could take her on. My job was to stay by her side in an unfamiliar environment for the testing. (Duane and Aaron had a meeting with the FAA of Guatemala about improving our airstrip.) So I got to know this lady pretty good throughout the day. We starting out praying when her 6 kids dropped her off at our hangar in the morning, we prayed in the plane, and we prayed all the way through her exams. She said that during her exam lights and sounds where going off all around her head, but she just kept praying to God to take the mass out of her head. They finished the exam about mid morning, but we had to wait until afternoon to pick up the results. That gave us lots of time to talk about how good God was, and how we were going to believe him for a miracle. She told me that although her husband had become a Christian a few years ago, he still didn't have much patience with the kids. She said, "I don't mind dying so much becase I know where I'll just be with God, but I worry who would take care of my kids. If God will wait until they're older I would be so happy." Well, we prayed (and of course that made me hungry), so I took her to Pollo Campero, a Gutemalan's favorite fast food place (kind of like KFC). Finally it came time to pickup the results.
They just handed us a packet, and at first she didn't want to open it. Finally, when we were back at the plane she asked me to open it and read the letter. Honestly I didn't want to. I was fine to believe God for a good report, but when it came time to look at some real-life photos of her brain, I was afraid of what they might show. They showed nothing! We read through the report (because I don't know how to read the pictures) and the specialist said the only thing abnormal in her brain was some sinusitis. I told Elvia that they might have to cut her nose off (she hit me for that) but that according to the note there were no signs of a mass! God is so good, and it was a wonderful experience to witness a miracle. Just as much of a miracle was dropping her off in the evening. Her children and husband ran up and hugged her as she smiled and told them that the results came back clear. During the day she had told me what her life used to be like. Before accepting Christ her husband had been a hard drinking, cheating, wife-beating piece of work (although she didn't exactly use those words). Now she said he is a new man. "It's not fair that while my home was a mess I was healthy and now that my home is good I'm sick." Again, I just encouraged her with how much God loved her and her family. Oh, and Elvia went all day withought any pain in her head! We encouraged her to take her results to her doctor in Quiche, but said to keep trusting in God.
I will contiune praying for Elvia. Whether those reports came back good or bad, God wouldn't have changed, and He won't change. He loves us, is the perfect father, has the power to heal, and wants as many people as possible to walking into the open doors of his kingdom. Elvia will die someday just like you and me, but that doesn't change God, and I don't think it's as big a deal to Him as it is us. But for now, I'm asking that he would allow Elvia to raise her kids and be the example of Christ's love that she is to the people around her. So often I only see problems and sicknesses that people are not healed of. It has been so encouraging to witness this miracle, and I'm going to be believing for more because of who I'm discovering God to be.
Tomorrow we're heading into Unilla, Zona Reina again. This time we'll be taking a Dr. Pedro the dentist with us. The community leader is expecting a lot of people. These trips are always very physically draining, but spiritually revitalizling. I know that we take the name of God with us, and before Him goes all light, power, and life. Our desire is that the people of Unilla would experience Him. If you happen to get sweaty tomorrow, please think of us and throw up a prayer.
Yesterday I had a really cool opportunity. Leslie woke me up early and asked me if I would mind going with Duane to the City in the airplane. To make a long story short, a lady here in town had received results from a CAT Scan indicating that she had a mass in the posterior lobe of her cerebrum (and of course your brain is a very bad place to have a mass/tumor). Originally she had gone to the hospital because of really bad headaches and dizziness, and her doctor now wanted her to have an MRI done in the City. She couldn't have made the trip on her own, but Duane and Leslie offered to pay for half. Well, the lady, Elvia, had called Leslie about 4 am with a really bad headache, and Leslie told her that Duane had a flight planned to the City that we could take her on. My job was to stay by her side in an unfamiliar environment for the testing. (Duane and Aaron had a meeting with the FAA of Guatemala about improving our airstrip.) So I got to know this lady pretty good throughout the day. We starting out praying when her 6 kids dropped her off at our hangar in the morning, we prayed in the plane, and we prayed all the way through her exams. She said that during her exam lights and sounds where going off all around her head, but she just kept praying to God to take the mass out of her head. They finished the exam about mid morning, but we had to wait until afternoon to pick up the results. That gave us lots of time to talk about how good God was, and how we were going to believe him for a miracle. She told me that although her husband had become a Christian a few years ago, he still didn't have much patience with the kids. She said, "I don't mind dying so much becase I know where I'll just be with God, but I worry who would take care of my kids. If God will wait until they're older I would be so happy." Well, we prayed (and of course that made me hungry), so I took her to Pollo Campero, a Gutemalan's favorite fast food place (kind of like KFC). Finally it came time to pickup the results.
They just handed us a packet, and at first she didn't want to open it. Finally, when we were back at the plane she asked me to open it and read the letter. Honestly I didn't want to. I was fine to believe God for a good report, but when it came time to look at some real-life photos of her brain, I was afraid of what they might show. They showed nothing! We read through the report (because I don't know how to read the pictures) and the specialist said the only thing abnormal in her brain was some sinusitis. I told Elvia that they might have to cut her nose off (she hit me for that) but that according to the note there were no signs of a mass! God is so good, and it was a wonderful experience to witness a miracle. Just as much of a miracle was dropping her off in the evening. Her children and husband ran up and hugged her as she smiled and told them that the results came back clear. During the day she had told me what her life used to be like. Before accepting Christ her husband had been a hard drinking, cheating, wife-beating piece of work (although she didn't exactly use those words). Now she said he is a new man. "It's not fair that while my home was a mess I was healthy and now that my home is good I'm sick." Again, I just encouraged her with how much God loved her and her family. Oh, and Elvia went all day withought any pain in her head! We encouraged her to take her results to her doctor in Quiche, but said to keep trusting in God.
I will contiune praying for Elvia. Whether those reports came back good or bad, God wouldn't have changed, and He won't change. He loves us, is the perfect father, has the power to heal, and wants as many people as possible to walking into the open doors of his kingdom. Elvia will die someday just like you and me, but that doesn't change God, and I don't think it's as big a deal to Him as it is us. But for now, I'm asking that he would allow Elvia to raise her kids and be the example of Christ's love that she is to the people around her. So often I only see problems and sicknesses that people are not healed of. It has been so encouraging to witness this miracle, and I'm going to be believing for more because of who I'm discovering God to be.