Taking a nap while she waits on momma :)
Our internet wasn't cooperating, so I didn't get to write earlier. But I want to say thanks to everyone who prayed for our San Pedro trip. We got in and out the same day, saw lots of people, and pulled lots of teeth (actually our friend Dr. Pedro from the City pulled lot's of teeth.) Two people accepted Christ, and a couple people asked for Bibles. It's always a blessing to be there. One of my favorite parts was while I was carrying supplies to the building where we have clinic. Kids were walking behind me on the dirt path singing "la la la la la" from a song I went over with them a month ago. Time and relationship are a necessity here to touch people's lives.
Friday when I we got back I spent the day studying and making a plan to capture the honeybees in our yard. Joseph and I were up until 11 that night, but we got a hive built and got the bees in it. We'll see if they give us any honey!
Duane helping me suit up.
Saturday was clinic day here in Canilla. It was hard to get up and pray and share a message with the people, but it's always worth it. There was the usual amount of people, and I especially remember a mother and her two daughters. The husband left her and the girls a couple years ago, and she was really open to talking and praying. Her mom is a Christian is supposed to come back with them next Saturday. In the afternoon we visited with our pastor friend Victor from Quiche. He runs the drug rehab center there and it was good to talk to him. In the evening Malachi led some worship for us all. He left today for his new job in Connecticuit this week. We'll miss him, but I think he'll be back.
Today I spent the whole day in San Andres. Over 100 people came through clinic, but they went through pretty fast with so many of us working. Our friend Doctor Jeff and Russel (from Agape) came to help us since they are in Quiche for the week. In the evening church at Joel's was good. Tonight I felt like I had a harder time singing in Spanish, but God's presence was still good. Some of the ladies who make food afterward gave me a "chuchito" and some rice/chocloate drink as a refreshment. I don't know if I was just really hungry or if it was just exceptional, but it hit the spot. Also, I don't want to get off of here without letting you all know that Paulita from San Andres (the diabetic lady we've been visiting) accepted Christ today. It's really cool when we pray and ask God to move..and then He does. We may not see or understand how, but prayer definitely changes things. I hope you take time in your day today to have a conversation with God. If we take time to talk to friends and family, why not take time to talk to someone who
loves us even more than them and can do anything?
Peeling a pineapple in San Pedro
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