I rode my bike, ate some dirt, and just washed off a lot of grease from my hands. After clinic today Joe, David and I rode our motorcycles with a few friends of ours. We kid each other, push each other up hills, and even have a cool handshake (some of the kids we ride with are about 15). This week two of the guys came over and asked me to fix something on their bike (David wasn't around), and I love to get to know them.
Clinic yesterday went fairly smooth. I wasn't feeling anything to share with the people as far as evangelizing goes, but as I looked through some notes and different teachings I had made over the last few weeks, I found where I had written, "When I don't feel anything special to share, just share the Word because it is always true." So I took my Bible and guitar and made my way out to the 50 or so people in the waiting area. Tomas and I shared from John 1:12 where Jesus invited all who believe to be children of God, and it was like God just filled me with a desire to share--and He gave me the words too. I remember the first times, actually first year, that it was so hard for me to talk to groups of people in Spanish, especially about the Bible. Now it's like people are actually engaged and attentive to my stories and examples. Whether it's just improved Spanish or some new thing God is doing, I like it.
In other big news from the week...I took some honey from my bees last Thursday! It was actually pretty awful. Not only did I kill hundreds of my bees by enticing them to sting my bee suit, but I didn't get much honey and the bees got super mad. I ended up running across the yard and out of the gate when I got a few bees inside my mask. There were pieces of my suit strewed all along the road as I ran toward town, and man and beast alike were looking for cover from the small buzzing creatures. Passerbys on the road where swatting at stray bees, cows were jumping, and chickens were fluttering. When I finally got back to the house everyone was locked inside and one of our workers was laying block with a welding mask on to protect himself. All in all only I fell victim to the honeybees' sting, four to be exact, and we got close to a quart of honey out of the deal. I think next time I need a better suit and a lot of smoke. If you have experience with bees and are reading this, feel free to send me any thoughts you may have, but please wait for a week or two as nearly everyone who was here for the "bee attack" has already given me more advice than I can process this week!
Anyway, that's about all that's up from this week. Tomas and I spent Friday making house visits in Chiminisijuan. My legs hurt pretty bad by the end of the day, but I'm only 22 and shouldn't complain. Leslie, Hannah, and Katie are all outside right now delivering a baby in the clinic. I figure they have it all under control out there, and I am supporting them through prayer from here in the house, at a safe distance.
Thanks for reading and for all the prayers and support. I'll try to put a post up this week as more happens!
We made it!
4 years ago